Embark on a new journey, as this timeless tale unfolds in a breathtaking theatrical production. The Lord of the Rings – A Musical Tale will make its Australian premiere in Sydney, at the State Theatre. Take your seat, in the company of Hobbits, and join us for a once-in-a-lifetime theatrical event that will enchant both lifelong fans and new generations alike. Hailed “The greatest show on Middle-earth” by The Guardian, UK, the legend returns to capture our imaginations and hearts, like never before.
1 pm Matinee Show – State Theatre
Cost $230 pp Includes, Transfers, Ticket & Chinese Banquet dinner at Hexham on the way home.
Pick up Times: Club Forster 6:50am, Tuncurry Coach Stop 7:00am, Nabiac 7:20am
Tour Dates: Wed 29th January 2025
Tour Duration
Day Trip
Day Trip
Tour Price